Sirirat Tamrongerakul

Board Member

Bachelor of Pharmacy, Chulalongkorn University, ThailandMaster’s Degree in Business Administration, Thammasat University, Thailand
Master’s Degree in Anti-Aging and Rehabilitation Science, Dhurakij Pundit University Thailand
Director of Pharmaceuticals Business Group / Currently Retired / Volunteer
Participation in group/ community organization activities
1) International Council of Women
Position – Board member of International Women’s Council (ICW) 2022-2025
– Permanent representative of the International Council of Women to the UNESCAP
2) The National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand under the Royal Patronage.
Position – Board member and Treasurer 2020-2023
– Chairman of the Procurement Committee 2020-2023
– Vice Chairman of the Volunteer Committee 2020-2023
3) The National Council of Women of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen
Position – International Affairs Committee Chair 2022-2025
– Director/ Deputy Secretary-General 2015-2018
– Director / Vice Chairman Foreign Affairs Department 2018-2021
– Executive Director, International Relations Department, 2018-2021
4) Water Foundation for Northeast Thailand
Position – Vice President. Academic and Foreign Affairs Department 2020-2024
5) The Intellectual Property and International Trade Court
Position – Mediator 2022-2024
6) Vice President of Women Business and Professional Association of Thailand (Nakhon Pathom) 2022-2025
7) Vice President of Volunteer Housewives Association of Thailand 2022-2025
8) Secretary of Doctors ‘Wife Charity Foundation 2022-2025
9) Board member of Naresuan University Business Promotion Committee
10) The Doctor’s wife Association of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother
Position – Advisor 2017-2022
– President 2014-2017
– Vice President 2006-2008